Zika Virus: Knowledge Assessment of Residents and Health-Care Providers in Roat´an, Honduras, following an Outbreak

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Abstract: Few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of Zika virus (ZIKV) public health educational campaigns. Following a ZIKV educational campaign in Roatán, Honduras (October 2016), a survey was administered (March–May 2017) to residents (N = 348) and health-care professionals ([HCPs]; N = 44) to evaluate ZIKV knowledge, attitudes, and preventive practices, with attention to sexual health. Knowledge scores were calculated and mapped using participants’ home locations. The knowledge scores between HCPs and residents were significantly different (mean 17 versus 11; P < 0.001). Only 6% of residents and 14% of HCPs knew that ZIKV was sexually transmissible. Few reported abstinence (2.6% residents; 9.4% HCPs) or condom use (1.6% residents; 12.5% HCPs) to prevent ZIKV infection. Of all subjects, 15.6% were pregnant or had a pregnant partner in the past year; 57.6% expressed concern over ZIKV. Mapping demonstrated spatial heterogeneity in knowledge. The findings suggest a need for improved public health messaging in ZIKV-affected areas.

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