Lab summer plans

What are the members of the lab up to this summer?
Kelly will be doing field work at Mpala during June, attending and presenting at the 2nd International Workshop on Monitoring and Modeling of Hydrological Risk in July, and will be out with Megan Konar at UIUC in August for their Socio-hydrology workshop.
Frances Frances moved to Flagstaff, AZ at the end of May and will be settling into her new life and work as a post-doc at the Northern Arizona University.
From mid-June to September, Drew will be out in the field in Kenya, researching the impact of changes in water availability on small-scale agricultural communities in the Laikipia Region.
Stephanie will be out at JPL all summer working in the Computer Vision for Surface Applications group with Thomas Fuchs on mapping agricultural fields in Africa.
Cynthia will be at the IsoCamp course in stable isotope in biogeochemistry and ecology in Salt Lake City (UT) for the first two weeks of June. She will then be working at Silas Little Experimental Forest (NJ) to develop a method to analyze in-situ the isotopic content of water from tree stems.
Adam will be doing some intensive leaf & stem hydraulics measurements at Silas Little Experimental Forest (NJ), with the goal of improving the treatment of drought impacts on forests in global models.
Lyndon will be developing a paper with Kelly and Tom on community-level crop resilience in relation to different biophysical, social, and management conditions, presenting at the Society for Conservation Biology conference in Baltimore, and supervising two interns on the Mapping Africa project and UAV development.