Lixin Wang joining Ecohydrology group at UNSW

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Lixin will soon be leaving the Caylor group for a trip around the sun in the southern hemisphere at UNSW in Sydney, Australia

Alternate Text Lixin has been awarded a prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia. In March of the coming year he will be leaving Princeton and heading down to Oz to join Dr. Matt McCabe’s group. There Lixin will to explore Australian agricultural water use using stable isotopes and process-based modeling, as well as a healthy diet of remote sensing analysis.

The group is truly sad to see Lixin go; he has spent a fantastically productive two and half years at Princeton and Kenya. Lixin says he will miss us and our collaborative lab and field work, especially cooking and having beer together. He will also miss his office at E-Quad and his Banda #7 at the Mpala Research Center. We look forward to Lixin coming back for visits to Princeton after he’s taken in some shows at the Sydney Opera house…