Sharing data science skills with the DataUp program and Software Carpentry

  • Teaching
  • News
  • Programming tags:
  • R
  • Reproducible Science
  • Software Carpentry
  • South Big Data Hub
  • Ryan Avery excerpt: "Ryan visited Old Domion University to teach research computing skills in a two day workshop."

Ryan Avery Ryan taught a coding workshop at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA October 25-26. It was a fast-paced, two-day workshop that was well attended by undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and local computing staff. Ryan taught parts of the session covering the Unix Shell, Github, and R, while his co-instructor, Josh Quan, taught R and Rstudio. Towards the end, learners had the chance to make publication quality plots with ggplot and share code projects on github. The workshop was funded by the South Big Data Innovation Hub's DataUp program, a consortium of universities, foundations, corporations, and cities focused on buidling capacity in data science. Check out DataUp's blog post and workshop photos for a closer look at a Software Carpentry workshop. You can check out the workshop lessons and syllabus at the workshop website. Check out the Carpentries' official website for details on how to request/host a workshop, access to all the open sourced curriculum, and ways to get involved.
