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- Kelly Caylor excerpt: "A new Princeton freshman seminar on science, society and food was launched this semester."
A new Princeton freshman seminar on science, society and food was launched this semester. The class, officially titled “Science, Society & Dinner”, is taught by Kelly Caylor, in collaboration with Chef Craig Shelton, and with assistance from Rozalie Czesana ’18 and Chef Michelle Fuerst.
A few pictures of the first class are available below. In that class, students learned about challenges of food security, production consumption and waste in the US, China, India and Brazil. They also practiced knife skills and tasted fresh-baked baguettes with Beurre d’Isigny from Bon Appetit and sampled five varieties of salt from the Savory Spice Shop in Princeton. They also sampled a non-alcoholic wine before and after lemon, sugar, black pepper and bleu cheese to note effects on perceived flavor.
A takeaway: Understand ingredients to use them well and wisely – reducing waste in the process.
In a good community connection, this new freshman seminar is being taught at the John Witherspoon Middle School Teaching Kitchens.