- http://bit.ly/16HfGz8 categories:
- Collaboration
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- Research tags:
- Nature
- Nature Geoscience
- Tropical forests
- Kaiyu Guan
- Alumni
- Dryland Ecohydrology
- Kelly Caylor excerpt: "Kaiyu Guan, Kelly Caylor, and Adam Wolf recently published an article in Nature Geoscience and the article is currently on the front page of the journal’s website." header: image: assets/images/Screen-Shot-2015-03-10-at-10.20.33-AM.png
Kaiyu Guan,Kelly Caylor and Adam Wolf recently published an article in Nature Geoscience and the article is currently on the front page of the journal’s website. The article investigates the decline in forest productivity associated with drought. The authors conclude that water availability exerts a first-order control on vegetation seasonality in tropical forests globally and that their proposed framework can help identify where tropical forests may be vulnerable or resilient to future hydroclimatic changes.