AGU Fall Meeting 2020

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  • Fall Meeting
  • Natasha Krell
  • Rachel Green
  • Kelly Caylor
  • Marcus Thomson
  • Anna Boser
  • "2020"

excerpt: "WAVES lab members presents at virtual AGU Fall Meeting." header: image: assets/images/agu2020.jpg

This year flew by and has been rife with challenges, loss and uncertainty. Hopefully a virtual format for AGU will present the opportunity to share research and visit with friends and colleagues from the comfort of our WFH set-ups. Here's the WAVES Lab line up for AGU talks and posters. Catch us virtually!

Natasha Krell, Bryn Morgan, Drew Gower and Kelly Caylor, H042-01 – Consequences of variable rainfall on farming outcomes for dryland maize farmers, Oral Presentation, Tuesday, 8 December 2020, 07:00 – 07:04. 

Anna Boser, Christian White and Mohammad Al-Hamdan, A061-0009 – Using Statistical and Machine Learning Models with Remotely Sensed Data to Estimate PM2.5 in the San Francisco Bay Area, Poster, Wednesday, 9 December 2020, 04:00 – 20:59.

Rachel Green, Kelly Caylor, Chris Funk and Dar Roberts, H094-07 – Seasonal Vegetation-Hydrological Coupling across Land Covers in East Africa (Invited), Oral Presentation, Thursday, 10 December 2020, 07:24 – 07:28. 

Marcus Thomson and Emma Colven, GC068-0005 – Potential Avenues for Collaborative Research on Climate Modeling (Invited), Poster, Friday, 11 December 2020, 04:00 – 20:59.
