AAAS Session on New Earth Observing Methods

  • Conferences
  • News tags:
  • AAAS
  • Environmental Sensing
  • Kelly Caylor
  • Lyndon Estes excerpt: "Lyndon Estes and Kelly Caylor recently came back from San Jose, where they attended the AAAS 2015 Annual Meeting to convene a session on 'Advances in Earth Observation: Enabling New Insights into Global Environmental Change'."


Lyndon and Kelly recently came back from San Jose, where they attended the AAAS 2015 Annual Meeting to convene a session on “Advances in Earth Observation: Enabling New Insights into Global Environmental Change“. The session featured Matt Hansen and Maggi Kelly. The goal of the session was to illustrate how new methods and hardware, such as advanced parallel processing, in-field environmental sensors, and data integration platforms, are starting to fill in the spatial and temporal gaps in our current abilities to observe ecological processes. They had a pretty nice turnout, despite the fact that they were scheduled for 8 am on Sunday morning!
